Conway's Game Of Life


The Game of Life is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970

This automaton occurs on a grid where each cell can be either dead or alive. At each time step, the group of living cells is determined by the following rules:

  • Living cells survive with 2 or 3 living neighbors.
  • Dead cells become alive with 3 living neighbors.


The array approach

The idea of this approach is to store the state of every cell.

1const grid = [ 2 [0, 1, 0], 3 [1, 1, 1], 4 [0, 1, 0] 5];

In the case of a square grid, the number of items in the array will be equal to the square of the grid's length:

  • 10x10 grid = 100 items
  • 100x100 grid = 10.000 items
  • 300x300 grid = 90.000 items

This implies that memory usage grows faster than the grid width.

The visual problem

If all cells are confined only within the grid boundaries, they become stuck at the edges. For instance, a glider on the edge becomes a block.

glider transforms into block

The performance problem

Creating a new generation requires creating a new array of the same size as the current one.

You can choose between:

  • Iterating over all items in the current array.
    • Advantage: Simplicity.
    • Disadvantage: Slower performance with larger grids.
  • Mapping the positions of alive cells and iterating over their neighbors.
    • Advantage: Improved performance with fewer alive cells.
    • Disadvantage: More complex to implement.

The Map approach

The idea of this approach is to store only the state of living cells.

1const grid = new Map([ 2 ['(0, 1)', 1], 3 ['(-4, 2)', 1], 4 ['(7, -3)', 1] 5]);

Using a "Set" would also suffice in this scenario, since a living cell has only one state

An important change is that, with a Map, we can no longer rely on array indices. Instead, we need to use a different method to identify cell positions, i.e., a coordinate system. I chose the cartesian plane.

The visual solution

Given that the coordinate system is infinite, the UI works like a magnifying glass: revealing only a small part of the landscape, with the ability to move around and zoom in and out. The limitation at the edges no longer exists:

glider slipping away

The performance solution

To create a new generation, a new Map must be created by iterating over the living cells and their neighborhoods. This operation is independent of the UI size and therefore, much faster.

Final application

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